
Basic Legionella Management


What will you learn on the course?

This course explains the background to Legionella, the potential risks associated with water systems and how these can be prevented or controlled. It helps you to understand the risk that Legionella poses and helps you develop the systems and working practices you need to stay ahead. It gives you enough knowledge to get a Legionella control programme off the ground yourself – or make confident, informed choices when commissioning others to take this on for you.
Each module is followed by a short set of randomised questions; these tests must be completed before the course is completed.

Module 1
What is Legionella?

Module 1 provides key information about legionella bacteria and the facts about Legionnaires Disease, how it is contracted and who is most at risk.

Module 2
Risk Areas

This module identifies areas in the water system where legionella bacteria are most likely to grow and cause a problem.

Module 3

This module looks at the legislation governing legionella control and how this relates to workplaces. It clarifies responsibilities and looks at what happens to organisations and individuals if they fail to meet the required standards.

Module 4
Risk Management

This module looks at the measures that may be taken to eliminate or reduce the risk from Legionella bacteria and the records that need to be maintained.

Module 5
Water System Monitoring

We will now look more closely at the practical tests that need to be carried out to maintain a safe water system

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